117 Handy Kids Activity Ideas for Busy Mums and Dads

by Evie Winter -Read more about The Playground Mission.

Kids activity ideas by Hampshire Family Photography Evie Winter

Once homework is done, have you found yourself being roped in to endless games of Hide and Seek or with a complete brain freeze, thinking "I have no idea what to do with the kids now and it is only 1pm!!!”

Let me tell you, even with a background with working with kids and as a home educator - I frequently have these moments.

So after one too many games of hide and seek I decided to create a list of the kids activities we love and the ones we want to do, feel free to print off and stick up for your info, or save this page to your bookmarks. Some of these have the added benefit of being quite educational and supporting your child’s education and learning.

Which one do you think your kids would love?


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  1. Playdough

  2. Cornflour

  3. Painting

  4. Drawing

  5. Handwriting sheets 

  6. Dot to Dot 

  7. Colouring

  8. Papier Mache

  9. Pasta Worms (cooked spaghetti hiding in flour).

  10. Water play

  11. Pass the parcel

  12. Pin the tail on the donkey

  13. Find a new kids podcast to listen to

  14. Watch a nature show

  15. Learn to sign the alphabet 

  16. Learn to knit

  17. Learn basic greetings in a another language

  18. Watch a cartoon in a different language

  19. Day time bath

  20. Puddle Walk

  21. Nature Scavenger Hunt. The rain might be out, nature isn’t going anywhere

  22. Read aloud. Let your child pick a book and just read.

  23. Cooking. Plan a menu that your child can get involved in, how about home made pizza?

  24. Baking. From cheese scones to cupcakes.

  25. Plan and rehearse a concert, present to friends or family over zoom

  26. Have a zoom play date

  27. Build a blanket fort

  28. Face painting 

  29. Jigsaws

  30. Lego buildings

  31. Board games

  32. Scroll through old phone photos, choose some to be printed. 

  33. Educational apps like Reading Eggs or equivalent for your child's age! 

  34. Google at home science experiments 

  35. Write wish list of things to do after lockdown is over 

  36. Write and post small mail. 

  37. Take some artistic portraits through the raindrops on the window

  38. Hide and seek

  39. Bowling with bottles or loo roll

  40. Indoor obstacle course

  41. YouTube keep for videos

  42. Create slow motion videos

  43. Create a photo booth

  44.  Learn from YouTube or choreograph a dance

  45. Make a fairy Garden

  46. Have a snail race

  47. Visit an online aqurium

  48. Get out your old wedding dress and wedding photos

  49. Look at baby photos

  50. Have a movie afternoon

  51. Have a dance party

  52. Create a Lockdown time capsule. 

  53. Origami / paper airplanes

  54. Write a story

  55. Write a poem

  56. Research your family tree

  57. Layout all small world toys to make a small town

  58. Design art for dolls House walls

  59. Play shops

  60. Play cafes

  61. Play hospitals 

  62. Play cutting and tearing

  63. Play with sellotape

  64. Play with coloured rice

  65. Create a project on something child is interested in

  66. Make a baking soda volcano

  67. Make a necklace out of pasta

  68. Make a friendship bracelet

  69. Make a weather dial

  70. Paint rocks

  71. Make shadow puppets

  72. Have an impromptu party

  73. Finger painting

  74. Afternoon movie

  75. Play Simon says

  76. Have a fashion show

  77. Hairdressing and pampering afternoon

  78. Treat your children to a formal dinner, you be the waiters and waitresses 

  79. Go for a run abt I'm the (just before the hot bath we talked about

  80. Discover some new audio books

  81. Rescue worms in puddles

  82. Bath toys in puddles

  83. Make mudpies

  84. Take daily rain measurements

  85. Glue and pasta to make pasta pictures

  86. Create a art gallery of their work, have an exhibition 

  87. Teddy bears picnic

  88. Have afternoon tea

  89. Try out morning baskets

  90. Make a watercolour salt painting

  91. Create a terrainium

  92. Practice sewing skills

  93. Learn some of the life skills like sorting washing out how to dial 999

  94. Explore a city or a museum using online resources available %

  95. Hide fairy messages when you go out for walks

  96. Play airports, go on holiday

  97. Create a salt dough thumb / hand print family moment. 

  98. Google "famous birthdays on this day", pick one of the people to learn about and celebrate their birthday. 

  99. Visit daysoftheyear.com to find an interesting day to research and celebrate. Today (Tuesday) includes Superhero Day, Pay It Forward and Cubical Day where people can decorate / personalise their working space. There is good potential for kids activities there! 

  100. Make and hang a bird feeder

  101. Go on a bug hunt

  102. Have a garden bird watch

  103. Make a scrapbook

  104. Create some family portraits

  105. Make a video of your family taking about lockdown to watch back in years to come. 

  106. Indoor hopscotch with making tape 

  107. Make pictures for the window

  108. Potato painting

  109. Turn the bath into a water tray

  110. Make popcorn

  111. Fried chickpeas

  112. Nursery songs with actions

  113. Pinata

  114. Make a treasure map

  115. Read in a party of the house you've never read in before (even the hallway has novelty factor for us). 

  116. Make a scrapbook

  117. Create a reading nook with tea lights and pillows

Hope you enjoyed these!

Evie Winter is a mother and lifestyle photographer based in Winchester, Hampshire.
Read more about me here.