
It has been a week of official lockdown but our own self isolation is coming to end. It really has been a strange old time, watching history unfold. I think I have felt pragmatic about the whole thing really, but this morning I took a walk for my exercise - going to the cathedral and back. I saw three people on the way and not much more on the way back (all runners).

The life has left Winchester Town Centre, the hustle and bustle of setting up market stalls, retailers going to work, early morning walkers. It really is devastating seeing the effects of the pandemic, but when I saw Winchester Cathedral - I think of all that it has seen and been through in it’s 927+ history and I know that we are going to be okay.

One day we will look back at this time, it will be part of our history. What would you like to remember about it?

Winchester Cathedral by Hampshire Photographer Evie Winter
Evie Winter