How Displaying Photos Supports Your Child's Development.


We have these photographs up in our living room, three selfies taken at various points of our pre-marriage relationship, that I actually got around to printing and put up on the wall. 

In the general mayhem of life I barely notice them at the moment. 
But Dessi notices it and every time she does, says 'That's my Daddy and Mummy'.
It seems rather insignificant in the big scheme of things but actually I wonder if it is?

We send our pre-school children to nurseries and other child care settings to help them learn and develop, but we must remember there is a lot we can do at home too.
In seeing around her the photographs of the people who love her, Dessi is developing her personal, social and emotional skills (as promoted by the Early Years Foundation Stage

Displaying Family Photographs 
- Shows your child how much you value them and the members of your family.
- It gives you an opportunity to talk together about the family members (this also helps your child's speech and listening, which is no bad thing!
- It promotes a positive body image for your child and the members of your family. They will see they have a body and face to be proud of!
- Your child can have access to their photos any time, when they are easily displayed (rather than hidden away on the computer).
- These photos will stay with a child all their lives, less likelihood of being lost and damaged when treated with care.

Evie Winter is a local Mother and Lifestyle photographer specialising in newborn, family and children’s portraits based in Winchester, Hampshire. To see more of her family work, please visit Evie Winter Family Photographer and Evie Winter Newborn Photography